Tag: Boston property damage
Happy New Year from Aspen Environmental Services!
Start 2017 on the right foot with this list of questions to consider if you suspect mold in your home or commercial building. Are there existing moisture problems in the building? Have building materials been wet more than 48 hours? (See Table 2 and text) Are there hidden sources of water or is the humidity […]
Happy Holidays
From Aspen Environmental Services! Best wishes for a happy & healthy 2017. Got mold? Give a gift of mold testing and removal—a great way to start the new year. Please contact Aspen Environmental Services for mold testing and removal at (978) 681-5023. Or email [email protected]. Aspen professionals are licensed and insured and members of the National […]
Holiday Safety Tips
Because we at Aspen care about our customers, we’d like to say Happy Thanksgiving and share this list of holiday safety tips provided by the National Safety Council. Holiday Safety Tips Decorating Safety Never use lighted candles near trees, boughs, curtains/drapes, or with any potentially flammable item. Wear gloves while decorating with spun glass “angel […]
A well-known expert in our area, when interviewed on a local New Orleans radio station, recently said, “When you have a mold problem, simply wash down the affected area with diluted bleach.” We have seen FEMA handing out gallons of Clorox to flood-victims. Lowe’s and Home Depot stock up pallets of the stuff whenever the impending doom of […]
Business Travelers Raise Hotel Air Quality Concerns
Some local hotels invest in making rooms more breathable, including wallpaper that helps prevent mildew. Neicei Degen walked into her hotel room at Hilton Washington & Towers looking forward to a relaxing week in the capital. She walked right out. The problem, the Peabody, Mass., administrator says, wasn’t the glitzy décor or the limited view. […]
Indoor Air Quality in Commercial Buildings
The research findings are clear. Indoor air quality is a huge factor in the health and well being of building occupants. The average American spends 60% to 90% of his or her time indoors and while a lot of attention has been given to the effects of outside pollution, the EPA estimates that indoor air […]
It’s Back to School Time!
It’s that time of year already. Kids are waiting at the bus stop, backpack in hand, and anxious for their day to begin. We do our best to make sure they start their morning with a healthy breakfast, we pack a nutritious lunch, help them with their homework, and tuck them in by 9:00. We […]
Roofs: Collapse and Performance Failures
Introduction To introduce this topic, it is first important to have the reader understand the terminology of a roof system so as not to confuse it with what is generally referred to as a roof. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association, or NRCA assembly is “a system of interacting roof components including the , vapor retarder […]
Is Humidity Driving You Crazy? How to Control Humidity in Your Home
So we all know how humidity impacts us when we are outside – but, did you ever consider what humidity levels are doing to your indoor living space? Improper indoor humidity levels are a common home hazard that are often underestimated. In the summer, humidity levels should be less than 60%, anything higher and your […]
Climate Planning: The Heat is On
Plenty of plans, studies and assessments address warmer and wetter weather in southern New England, but is the region truly prepared to help the most vulnerable among us? Ozone, fine particulate matter, pollen and mold all influence air quality, and all are made worse by rising temperatures. Two groups considered especially vulnerable are children and […]